All Collected Reviews: Watershed & Other Domestic Travels
Emily Hiestand (Beacon Press, 1998)

Intelligent, Funny, Moving Explorations of Home “Emily Hiestand's latest book of essays takes as its central theme the idea of home, though it is clear from the beginning that for Hiestand ‘home’ covers a lot of territory.”

Elegant and Witty — With an artist's eye and poet's voice, Hiestand has written a book of essays about geography and place [that are] good enough to read a second time, as one would a favorite novel.”


All Collected Reviews: The Very Rich Hours
Travels in Orkney, Belize the Everglades, and Greece
Emily Hiestand (Beacon Press, 1992)

A tour de force — “Categorizing The Very Rich Hours  as a travel book seems at first an underestimation of its scope, but this tour de force of personal narrative is indeed an odyssey of sorts, a rich and rewarding literary journey told with the voice of a poet and the heart of a consummate observer... Hiestand has crafted a complex, elegant, naturalist approach to travel...This is a rare book, one that is astonishing fluid and keenly observant.”


Collected Reviews: Green
Poems by Emily Hiestand (Graywolf Press,1989)
Selected by Jorie Graham for the National Poetry Award

A bountiful group of superb poems. Like Gerard Manley Hopkins and like her contemporary Patiann Rogers, Hiestand praises the diversity of the world.”