HOMAGE | POEMS on individual pages

Emily Hiestand

All the poems in Homage can be read on this page.

Dazzling, engaging, superb poems” in which the poet “swings from earth and the quotidian to space and the larger connections of nature.” — San Jose Mercury News

“Defining, broadening the window of reason” – Judith Kitchen, The Georgia Review

“Language as continuous with the natural world” — The Boston Reivew

Emily’s poems have been published by The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Best American Poetry, Agni, Carolina Quarterly, The Georgia Review, Graywolf Press, The Hudson Review, Milkweed Editions, The Nation, The New York Times, Partisan Review, Prairie Schooner, Southwest Review, Verse, and other journals. /
Reviews and Praise


Click images to read poems on individual pages; advance via arrows at the bottom of each page. Or, read all the poems on a single scrolling page.

Dazzling, engaging, superb poems” in which “Hiestand swings from earth and the quotidian to space and the larger connections of nature.”
— San Jose Mercury News, reviewing Green

The new vantage points of the physics of our time are alive in this poetry. It crackles like some source of energy we had no idea we had lived without and now, of course, would not.”
— Jorie Graham, introducing Green, recipient of the National Poetry Award


Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following editors and publishers in whose publications some of the poems in Homage first appeared (often in earlier versions).

The Atlantic, Peter Davison, and David Barber, poetry editors
Agni, Askold Melnychuz, founder, editor
Carolina Quarterly
Graywolf Press, National Poetry Award book, selected by Jorie Graham
The Georgia Review, Stanley W. Lindberg, editor between1977-2000
The Hudson Review, Paula Deitz, editor-in-chief
Milkweed Editions, several volumes edited by Laure-Anne Bosselaar
The Nation, Katrina vanden Heuvel, editorial director, publisher
New South Books, volume edited by Jennifer Horne
The New Yorker, poetry editor Alice Quinn
The New York Times, Op-Ed Page, assigning editor David Shipley
Partisan Review, Rosanna Warren, edition editor
Prairie Schooner
Southwest Review, Willard Spiegelman, editor emeritus
Verse, Bonnie Costello, edition editor
University Press of New England, Deborah DeNicola, volume editor